Sunday, January 8, 2012

Garnets are a Girls Best Friend

This is our first in a series of fun and informative pieces on gemstones used in jewelry. We will focus on the begining of each month with that month's birthstone, giving you history, lore and science. We will also explore several other gemstones that are considered birthstones.... 

This month, January, the birthstone is the GARNET. The fiery red stone has quite the history! Red garnets were thought to have a multitude of "powers." (gemstones in past, and sometimes the present, were worn not only for their beauty but for the powers they were thought to posess) Among the powers of garnets are: 
- Promoting sincerity
- Stopping hemorrhaging or other loss of blood
- Curing inflamatory diseases 
- Curing Anger and discord

Garnet and Sterling Silver Necklace
The Garnet family is a family of gems that is relativly untreated (ie: not heated, oiled etc) and comes in colors other than red! Tsavorite Garnets are a gorgeous grass green which is often mistaken for a fine quality emerald.   In fact garnets can be found in almost every color and shade, sometimes even color changing.  The best known color, and the color of the January birthstone however is the deep red variety. 

So now you know a little bit more about the gorgeous, romantic and brilliant January birthstone!